The Korean Society of Pathologists, mother society of the Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine (KSLM) was inaugurated on October 1st, 1946 by 20 some pioneers in Seoul. And its first Congress was held in 1949 and their contribution to medical advancement was evident in diagnosis of cancer and malignant neoplasm. Clinical Pathology (Laboratory Medicine) was incorporated as the 2nd Division of the Korean Society of Pathologists in 1960. In 1963, 49 clinical pathologists were certified by the board (Korean government).
To cope with the trend of specialization, to meet the needs of clinicians, to contribute to advancement in the fields of laboratory medicine and to train well qualified and capable clinical pathologists, the Korean Society for Clinical Pathologists (KSCP) was founded in 1980 with 98 charter members, which started the new era of complementary relationship between the Korean Society of Pathologists and Korean Society for Clinical Pathologists (now, KSLM). And the Korean Society for Clinical Pathologists was approved as an official professional society by the Korean Medical Association in 1981.
Annals of Laboratory Medicine (Ann Lab Med; ISSN, 2234-3806; e-ISSN, 2234-3814) is the official journal of The Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine. The JCR 2015 Impact factor of Ann Lab Med was 1.870. It is published bimonthly (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, and Nov) in English. Ann Lab Med is now indexed/tracked/covered by Chemical Abstract Service, Index Medicus/Medline, Science Citation Index Expanded, Journal Citation Reports/Science edition, Scopus, and EBSCO. For submission, you can use our ScholarOne submission system on
Genetic analyses for accurate diagnosis of blood cancer
Spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among ICU patients: A Korea study